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Remotely monitored Exam for Data Networks

If you cannot make it to the Exam system ; here is an alternative way to complete the exam.

Possible reasons (as an example):

  1. COVID-19 pandemia has closed the universities of Finland
  2. You are studying abroad


Day Open Close Link
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Students join the meeting and are distributed into individual breakout rooms.


Come to the Teams-meeting atleast fifteen minutes earlier so there is time to give instructions and separate you in to breakout rooms.

You need:

  1. Quiet environment to make the exam (if you don't want to show your space, you can use a virtual background or place yourself infront of an empty wall)
  2. Computer, which you use to answer the exam. Share your desktop to the teacher.
  3. Camera which you'll use to video yourself doing the exam
  4. Network connectivity, that can support the bandwidth for the webcam & shared desktop stream

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This course and its materials are written by Karo Saharinen and licenced by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.

Creative Commons -licence