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Schedule for TTV20S3

Changes to the schedule shall be informed through this pages and in Microsoft Teams.

The course is schedule and material could be gone through as follows (but tighter schedules might occur):

Week Day Time Other Materials Exercises
36 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 Course info
Introduction to Data Networks
E00 Installing requirements
E01 Making Your First Virtual Machine
37 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 Ethernet, VLANs and Switching E02 First Switches
38 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 IPv4 Addresses, Subnetting and ARP E03 Calculating Subnets
E04 Addressing Devices
39 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 ! D505 ! DHCP and Static Routing E05 Configuring DHCP and Static Routing
40 - - Saharinen @ Reserve Training Devices and Cabling E06 The Physical Part
41 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 Loop Detection, part 1 - Ethernet, Spanning-Tree E07 Configuring STP
42 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 Self-study week ...
43 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 Loop Detection, part 2 - IPv4, Routing E08 Configuring OSPF
44 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 Network Segmentation and Firewalls E09 Configuring Firewalls
45 ... ... InnoFlash week IPv4 Network Address Translation E10 Configuring NAT
46 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 TCP, UDP and Controlling our Network Configuration (SSH, HTTP) E11 Measuring TCP and UDP
E12 Controlling Network Configuration
47 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 Servers, End Devices and WLANs E13 Configuring Apache for Distributing Resources, E14 Creating Wireless Connectivity
48 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 D436 Domain Name System E15 Configuring Basic DNS Functionality
49 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 in Teams IPv6 Addresses E16 Making Things Dual-Stack
50 Thursday 12.15 - 15.00 in Teams Border Gateway Protocol E17 Welcome to the Internet, I'll be your guide
51 Reserve the time yourself Exam system [Exam[( E18 Course Feedback